Two Alumni with disabilities tell their experience at Politecnico

26 October 2020


We met Giulio and Fernando, two Politecnico alumni who told us their special story of transitioning from being students to employees.

Giulio, Alumnus of Electronic Engineering, is now professor and practical technical teacher in the Laboratory of Chemistry and Physics at at the high school IPSIA Sandro Pertini in Terni. He has a genetic pathology that has progressively deprived him of sight from the age of 7 years.

Fernando is an Alumnus of Computer Engineering, and today he is a Research Engineer at ST Microelectronics. He has been moving in a wheelchair since the age of 18.


The interviews are taken from the article "La lezione della diversità", on page 50 of the 6th issue of the Milan Politecnico Alumni Magazine (MAP), available here: