A journey between China and Iran (without moving from the Politecnico)

09 August 2020


6530 are the foreign students enrolled in the degree courses of Politecnico di Milano in 2019 and have come here from over 100 countries around the world to obtain a master's degree in Engineering, Architecture or Design.

China, India, Iran and Turkey are the 4 most represented countries, according to the latest available data.

As the international population of the university grows, so does the need to integrate national groups, both because this de facto multiculturality is an enriching experience for all, and to prevent situations of ghettoisation and cultural incomprehension.

This is how World@Polimi was born: a series of events organized by students and for students, with the aim of approaching another "world" and discovering the traditions and customs of the cultures to which our international students belong.

Conferences, exhibitions, language workshops and tastings, organized by international students to showcase their countries of origin. It is the foreign students who propose the activities to promote the knowledge of their country in academic life and organize them in collaboration with the University.

Here below the photo gallery.