Agreement between Politecnico and Women's Forum for the Economy & Society

09 December 2020


Signed the agreement between Politecnico di Milano and Women’s Forum for the Economy & Society, the world's leading platform featuring women's voices and actions on global social and economic issues.

A collaboration to create innovative solutions and attract girls and women, especially in the STEM field, to focus on the advancement of female leadership and on issues affecting humanity as a whole. Another important action of the Politecnico for diversity and inclusion policies.

Chiara Corazza, Managing Director of the Women’s Forum says: “The Women’s Forum is proud of this partnership with the Politecnico di Milano: together we will conceive innovative and disruptive solutions to attract girls and women of all ages to Tech. More female leadership in these fields means growth, innovation and creativity for the humanity as a whole. We will work to ensure that women play a key role in shaping the world of tomorrow, as drivers of a greener and more responsible economy”

Ferruccio Resta, Rector of Politecnico di Milano says: “We believe that by fostering the role of women at all levels, by giving them voice especially in tech fields, we are doing a service to society. This agreement is an important milestone in the Politecnico di Milano’s diversity and inclusion policy. Filling the gender gap helps create a more inclusive and functional world. It also means reaching out a hand to the job market and to decision makers with competence and knowledge”.


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