...and of Politecnico women, of the study of scientific subjects from an early age, of future and "superpowers"...
Engineering students at Politecnico di Milano are 24% in Bachelor's degree courses, 27% in Master's degree courses and over 28% in PhD courses. We know; we have photographed it in the new Gender BudgetThe university is doing a lot, in this sense, to continue on the path towards gender equality. And it works: in the last five years, for example, the number of students enrolled in three-year Engineering courses has increased by 8 percentage points.
Much still needs to be done. D- la Repubblica talks about it this week in a special issue dedicated to STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. The number can be downloaded for free at this link for the entire Politecnico community).
In an interesting journey through the laboratories, classrooms and campuses of Politecnico di Milano (the first technological university in Italy, according to Censis), the editorial staff of D - la Repubblica met and interviewed many professors, researchers and students of Politecnico di Milano led by 4 exceptional leaders such as Maria Bianca Colosimo, Mariapia Pedeferri, Michèle Lavagna and Donatella Sciuto, who comments: "We need models able to exemplify possible paths and careers".
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Annamaria, Beatrice, Elena B., Elena M., Eleonora, Federica, Giada, Laura,...
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