Summer School: Atos gives sholarships to high school girls

25 September 2020


TechCamp is a summer school born at Politecnico di Milano, with the support of Fondazione Politecnico, from the idea of three women, to transmit to young people the passion for technology and guide the choice of university.

It’s the first pioneering project in Italy to bring high school students to STEM - Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics courses. The courses are held by teachers, researchers and PhD students of Politecnico di Milano. This year, given the health emergency, all courses were held on an online platform. The technological summer camp is one of the many orientation initiatives implemented by Politecnico di Milano to establish new "bridges" between technical universities and high schools and/or professional institutes. The aim is to offer high school boys and girls a short path of theoretical, but above all experimental, in-depth study on technological topics of particular topicality and importance, including robotics, autonomous vehicles and coding.

Tech Camp is part of the wide range of initiatives of the Politecnico to promote STEM studies: several companies, including Atos, have donated some scholarships to students to access them. It is essential to have as partners companies ready to invest in the young talents of tomorrow and to change the numbers of women in STEM subjects.

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