BCG and Deloitte donate €8,000 for scholarships against the gender gap

24 July 2020


Few girls enrolled in Engineering: The Politecnico di Milano launches an invitation to companies to donate scholarships to support female students. A concrete action for gender inclusion and equal opportunities.

Still today, in some courses of study at Politecnico di Milano there is a strong gender imbalance: the percentage of female students enrolled in Engineering in the academic year 2017-2018 is on average 22.7%, but the figure changes a lot from course to course (for example, in Civil Engineering is 23% and in Biomedical Engineering is 54%). Gender parity has been achieved and partially exceeded only for the degree courses in Design and Architecture.

One of the actions that the University puts in place to encourage girls to enroll at Politecnico is GIRLS@POLIMI: scholarships offered by companies to promote and support the studies of new students enrolled in Bachelor's degree courses in Engineering where the rate of female presence is less than 20%.

Boston Consulting Group and Deloitte are the first two companies to accept the invitation and will donate a scholarship to two students who will be enrolled for the first time in the 2019/2020 academic year to Electrical Engineering, Aerospace Engineering, Industrial Production Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Automation and Control Engineering, Electronics Engineering or Computer Science and Engineering, that is the courses where the gender imbalance is most evident.

GIRLS@POLIMI is also part of a context of support for the right to study for deserving students who need financial support. These first two GIRLS@POLIMI scholarships represent the beginning of a path of collaboration with companies, which wants to give an important signal to all girls who want to approach what is perceived as a "traditionally" male sector. In fact, the students of the Politecnico have very good performances and show that those who have the skills, the propensity and the desire are able to do it.

The call 2019/2020 for female students has ended and, in the meantime, the University is already taking steps to collect new applications from companies that want to offer new scholarships for the academic year 2020/2021. 

For further information please contact:

For more information on GIRLS@POLIMI scholarships please refer to the call for applications:[id]=1581

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